Saturday, March 23, 2013


This lady has uncanny skills in picking option trades.  Her basic approach is not too complex at all.  She started out just shorting stocks as they go up, making money on the corrections.  Seems like a very successful and efficient way of trading, no iron condors, butterfly spreads, etc. just a basic wait and pounce approach.

This approach actually makes a lot of sense.  You can almost always guarantee that any stock will go down at some point in time over a two month period.  There is enough drama happening to make all stocks sink down at some point during any given week.  So by placing a put on a volatile stock when it rockets up you can almost guarantee some sort of profit during a two month window.  All the successful traders I've researched recommend a two month window for options trades.  I tend to agree unless you are strictly trying to gamble as in the case of binary or weekly options.  No one knows what's going to happen in the short term but you can almost guarantee the market will go in either direction in the long term.  She's just playing the downside.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Art Market

If you are interested in learning more about investing in art do some research on the web to see who's selling what art and at what price.  There is a formal marketplace and key site to visit is

You can get your artwork appraised for around $50 and even bid on artwork for sale.  They also have an art market confidence index to show how interest is either waxing or waning in the marketplace.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Expanding the Topics

I'm expanding the topics that I'll cover in this blog to include other investments.  To do well financially you have to diversify your portfolio and include other things than stocks.  Real estate is probably one of the best investments you can make simply because you can rent a property even when it's value may be low.  The key however is finding a property that is in a good location and is "rentable."

Another investment to consider is owning copyrights or patents.  These investments can gain significant value overtime and the other good thing about them is that just like a property you get residual income in the form of royalties.

One last investment to consider is artwork.  If you can get art from an up and coming artist you will have a good investment that will increase in value overtime as that artist's career gains traction.  The key is finding an artist who is getting to be well-known.  Check to see where and when the artist has done exhibitions and if there is any press out there about them.  Have they won awards and have they done any high-profile installations? Also you can see who they studied with or what collectives or associations they're members of.  This will add value to their art over time.