It’s important to realize when your current plan may not be working and you need to change tactics. Your overall assumption may still be correct but the market is notorious for defying logic.
I've been getting beat up with my short play on the SPY and all common sense would say short the market because it's at its highest. The trader’s manifesto is to buy low and sell high but this market seems to want to go higher even when there's bad news.
Since the trend is moving up and this trend has bucked several attempts against it, I got out of my bear call spread and bought an August 19 call at 218 strike price and now I'm finally making money instead of losing money. It's hard to time the market and the other trader maxim is appropriate here, the trend is your friend.
I figured the market is going to go up at least to 214 and I'm still in keeping with my buy low/sell high philosophy because I'm buying low premium. Maybe that’s the lesson , buy low premium and sell high premium.
Nifty Midcap was up 0.4 percent. SPARC, Biocon, NCC, NBCC, TVS Electronics, Graphite India, HEG, Goa Carbon and Bombay Dyeing rallied up to 15 percent.CapitalStars