Monday, September 29, 2014

Market Conditions 9-29-14

Today’s market was crazy and I hope everyone has survived with some dignity left.  I have been revamping my strategy over the past couple weeks and haven’t been posting as much.  I fortunately got out of my Ford trade last week to initiate my new trading strategy.  As providence would have it, I got out just in time. 

I started to advocate selling covered calls for safe extra income but after I started learning how to sell cash secured puts and credit spreads, I no longer feel that covered calls are the best option trade.  The problem with covered calls and especially in a market that has become volatile, is that your money is tied up in a security that may lose value while you wait for the expiration of the option.  If you sell a cash secured put you keep your money safe in your account while you wait for expiration.

What happened to Ford today was a confirmation of that fact.  I had initially planned to hold Ford until the October 18th expiration of one of my covered calls.  After learning about selling cash secured puts I liquidated my Ford position and started selling a few out of the money puts on some volatile bio tech stocks.  If I get assigned the shares at the end of expiration I will have bought the stock at an extreme low which is not a bad situation because the stock will most likely rebound.  If I am able to wait till expiration then I will keep the entire premium.

This is my new strategy now and I will provide more details as my trade develops.  In the meantime it is important in this market with its new found volatility, to keep as much cash as possible and to enter options trades without owning the underlying stock.  Credit spreads are probably the best plays in this market.

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