Monday, September 29, 2014

Trading Strategy – Cash Secured Puts

After setting up my new trade strategy over the past couple of weeks I realized that buying the stocks is like buying a car.  Why own the car and deal with all the headache of getting it fixed and replacing parts when you can lease for a cheaper price and get a nicer car.  The correlation is similar to stocks versus options.  If you can trade options and get better leverage, i.e. make more money, why buy the stock that has inherent risks of losing value?

I started out trading options but never really appreciated the seller’s side of the option chain.  If you become the seller you net your premium and then wait for the trade to play out.  I always like getting my money up front.  In any deal if you can get paid first before the actual transaction you are headed in the right direction. 

The trades I am making now are selling cash secured puts.  This is probably the safest option trade.  The only potential loss you have is by being assigned the stocks at a low price at expiration.  But if you traded on a decent stock, why wouldn’t you want that stock at a discount? Other than this you are net positive because you got your money up front as the seller of the put option.

As with any trade you have to make a smart decision about where and when to sell and where and when buy.  But if you are good at technical analysis then you should be OK if you keep your trades farther out of the money.  The key is to check the support and resistance lines to make sure your strike price is beyond that and then you will more than likely be OK.

More info on cash secured puts:

Selling Cash Covered Put Options

Here are some great videos that explain credit spreads which are the other safe play that I may be getting into soon.

Credit Spread Option Trading Strategies part 1

Credit Spread Option Trading Strategies part 2

1 comment:

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